International Grammar School

Prestigious Eco Award

HICES are very proud to congratulate International Grammar School on their recent award and recognition.

Only three schools in NSW have been recognised with the Green Flag award.

At today’s High School End of Term Assembly, IGS had the distinct privilege of welcoming City of Sydney Councillor (Waskam) Emelda Davis, Deputy Mayor Sylvie Elsmore, and Hailey Durham of EcoSchools to present the School with the prestigious Green Flag Award.

International Grammar School »

The award is an international award given to schools that have made progress towards environmental sustainability. In order to receive the award, schools must meet a number of rigid criteria, such as having an Eco-Committee that meets at least once per term, the establishment of an environmental action plan, environmental links to curriculum and more. IGS is one of only three schools in New South Wales to receive the award.

“We have been working towards this goal for years now,” said student Sustainability Leader Ruari Foster, “and this award represents recognition for all of our efforts since we started sustainability initiatives six years ago.” Following Foster’s lively speech, the award was presented to Principal Shauna Conlan and Head of Sustainability Carmelo Fedele.

